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What is the School Leaders' Directory?

The School Leaders' Directory provides the contact details of suppliers and professional advisers to independent schools both nationally and internationally. The directory is a valuable tool for heads of schools and other school professionals and is also open to the general public.

What a School Leaders' Directory listing offers

  • A listing in HMC's online School Leaders' Directory.
  • Use of HMC's partner logo on all marketing activity.
  • The opportunity to promote exclusive services via HMC's online directory.
  • Access to HMC Partner opportunities and benefits.
  • Priority booking and discount opportunities at HMC events.

The cost

The cost for entry in the directory starts from £695 + VAT (£625 + VAT for renewing partners). Pricing is dependent on the package chosen.

What each package includes

Click here to view a comparison table of each package.

Alternatively, click here for a detailed list of our Partnership Programme benefits.

Gold Entry - £1950 + VAT

  • Two pieces of editorial in the HMC's newsletter
  • An up-to-date list of HMC schools each term
  • Entry in HMC's School Leaders' Directory in your chosen business category (or categories)
  • Priority listing in your business category – Gold level companies will appear at the top of the category listing (in alpha order)
  • Two sets of company contact details
  • Company logo
  • 250-word company profile
  • Ability to upload supporting documents such as case studies, company testimonials, brochures etc.
  • Use of the HMC's Partner logo on all marketing activity

Silver Entry - £695 + VAT

  • Entry in HMC's School Leaders' Directory in your chosen business category (or categories)
  • Two sets of company contact details
  • Company logo
  • 100-word company profile
  • Use of the HMC's Partner logo on all marketing activity

How to secure your entry in the School Leaders' Directory

  1. Complete the application form here.
  2. Internal vetting by the HMC will then take place.
  3. When your application is approved an invoice for your chosen level of entry will be issued.
  4. Once paid, HMC will activate your entry in the School Leaders' Directory.

Apply Now

HMC Platinum Partnership Applications for 2024-25 are now open!

Applications must be received by 6pm, 12th July 2024

HMC’s Platinum Partnership programme has been designed to:

  • provide a unique platform for businesses to engage with HMC Heads and their teams.
  • deepen the relationship between HMC and thought leaders in the sector.
  • bring expertise, best practice, and the latest innovation to HMC members.

For more details about this unique opportunity, or to speak with a member of the team, contact

The organisations listed are organisations with an interest in the education sector whom HMC has not necessarily worked with; HMC has approved the directory entries on the basis of its own due diligence, and partners listed have been referred by at least two schools or educational providers. HMC values their expertise, however, does not endorse them and assumes no responsibility or legal duty by being associated with them. It is the responsibility of the school to independently research each company it may wish to engage.